Groin Pain Rehab Video – Groin Strain


What hurts…: Groin. At the beginning the pain was particularly intense when walking, especially in the stance phase (when the heel contacts the ground) and when I raised the right leg standing on left leg (trying to put on pants). I was able to bring my legs together and I didn�t have any pain inside of the thigh. I applied ice for several days until the intense pain regressed into something less intense, a sort of discomfort rather than pain. In any case I stopped running for about four weeks because I still was not able to put on my pants without discomfort. Since then I have gradually resumed running on the treadmill, but still, when I run many miles on the treadmill or fewer miles on the road, after training I feel this discomfort in the groin. If I try to apply some pressure with my finger I cannot find a specific painful spot, but the discomfort extends across the area where the elastic of my underwear touches the groin especially in the frontal area (just where the pubic hair starts) and in the bottom (close to the sacrum).

How you hurt it…: A few months ago, while I was running a 10 kilometers race, I felt a discomfort in my right groin. I still managed to finish the race without many problems. When I was done, I sat on the ground to rest, but when I got up I felt a sharp pain in the right groin. The week before the 10K race I finished a 13.1 miles race achieving my personal best.

When you hurt it…: A few months ago, while I was running a 10 kilometers race on a hilly terrain.

Your pain level (1 is low, 10 is high pain): At the time I hurt it, my pain was about a 7. Now, as long as it is rested, I have no pain. When I run it can get up to a 3.

Your age and overall health…: I’m 36 year old female runner (I took uo running 2 years ago). I run 5 days a week for an amount of 25-30 miles per week. Before this injury I had (I’m still havins) problems withplantar fasciitis in the same leg.

Any other information you feel is relevant…: A few months ago, while I was running a10 kilometers race, I felt a discomfort in my right groin. I still managed to finish the race without many problems. When I was done, I sat on the ground to rest, but when I got up I felt a sharp pain in the right groin. At the time I hurt it, my pain was about a 7. Now, as long as it is rested, I have no pain. When I walk the dog or work in the garden it can get up to a 4 The pain was particularly intense when walking, especially in the stance phase (when the heel contacts the ground) and when i raise the right leg standing on left leg (trying to put on pants). I was able to bring my legs together and I didn�t have any pain inside of the thigh. I applied ice for several days until the intense pain regressed into something less intense, a sort of discomfort rather than pain. In any case I stopped running for about four weeks because I still was not able to put on my pants without discomfort. Since then I have gradually resumed running on the treadmill, but still, when I run many miles on the treadmill or fewer miles on the road, after training I feel this discomfort in the groin. If I try to apply some pressure with my finger I cannot find a specific painful spot, but the discomfort extends across the area where the elastic of my underwear touches the groin especially in the frontal area (just where the pubic hair starts) and in the bottom (close to the sacrum). Now I can move my leg on the injured side as freely and as easily as my other, I don�t feel pain when I walk, jog, sprint, or jump but the leg on my injured side doesn�t feel as strong as the leg on the uninjured side.


Strained Groin Muscle.


Please watch the video.


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