Why The PS5 & Xbox Series X SSD Changes Everything – Part 1 – Basics

The Playstation 5 and Xbox Series X features numerous enhanced technology compared to their predecessors, but perhaps the most talked about feature of this next-generation is the SSD. The PS5 and Xbox Series X feature not just a custom SSD, but also a robust architecture which allows game data to be decompressed on the fly.

In this video, the purpose is to start out with the very basics on how the PS5 and Xbox SSD’s will impact gaming in the future and how they will change the way games can be developed.

In future parts we’ll delve further into the individual console technology, including the xbox series x velocity architecture, the Playstation 5’s Kraken and so much more!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8p5rfW5JBY – how next gen affects PC

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRXHUNSCRkQ – Unreal Engine 5

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